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Ever heard someone say, “Count your blessings, not your problems”?
Here’s why this often dismissed saying is not given the credit it deserves! I like saying, “Count your blessings, not your problems.” The law of attraction suggests that what we focus on we create more of so wouldn’t it be prudent to choose your thoughts in alignment with your desires as often as you can? Here are profound ways to become conscious, take inventory of your blessings so that you can amplify more goodness to flow into your life: 1. Breathe. Physically letting out a good sigh is an energy release! Take a few breathes in and out and release, with your breath, with the intention of letting go of any thoughts, emotions and energy in your body that are not serving you. Breathe in, with the intention of cleansing and resetting your mind and body with joy, happiness and blessings. Become aware of the power within you by simply becoming present in the moment. That’s where you have the power to alter the course of your life. In the present moment is where we can become conscious of our thoughts and emotions triggered by lack and scarcity beliefs based on fear. Use your breath as a tool to state what you desire in opposition of your fears and use your thoughts to scan over areas of your life where you can affirm what’s going well for you and what you can appreciate instead. 2. Focus on Current Abundance: Be present in your mind and heart with all the good that’s currently flowing in your life right now. The more we focus on the good things that we already have available to us, the more we increase our faith and expand our thinking on what we can expect to receive in life! 3. Your Desires Create Who You Become. Wayne Dyer said, “You don’t get what you want. You get who you are.” So, practice visualizing all that you desire to experience instead in life and allow yourself to hold new emotions, thoughts and most importantly, inspired behaviors and action steps that pull you forward with enthusiasm. 4. Avoid Withholding Peace. Don’t wait to feel peaceful in the future when things are better. Cultivate a state of peace through focusing on as many good things happening in your life now. Otherwise, you’ll always be struggling to maintain a sense of peace and ease. Instead of staying stuck in the “push and struggling” mode of living life. Liberate yourself from the illusions you are not safe with empowering affirmations of all that you can be grateful for now. . 5. Surrender & Receive. Surrendering doesn’t mean you must ignore the thoughts and feelings you have in regards to stressful circumstances. It’s simply shifting your focus from what you fear so that you can make space in your thinking for what you want to experience in opposition. This is how we tap into our higher-self and receive clarity, insights and inspirations. This is where we shift from powerless thinking to realize what we can be in charge of instead. 6. Acknowledging Fear. Instead of pushing fear away or trying to run from fear and resisting its grip over us, instead turn around and face your fears through acknowledging the worse-case scenarios. 7. Ask for Help. There is a powerful shift that happens when we pray for support from a higher power (God/the Universe). Surrendering what we can’t change or control and allowing new creative resolutions, wisdom and epiphanies to be made available through intentionally surrendering fear so you we can receive new thinking around our circumstances.
I had the honour of interviewing my friend, Mark Cummings, who is an expert in the mental health field for over 25 years in the area of fear, stress, anxiety and addiction. Mark guides us through 3 powerful exercises and shares many powerful stress management tips and techniques that will help you to manage and regulate your emotional states and shift you into a place of more peace and empowerment.
For more information about Mark Cummings, visit
How can we manage our emotional states in times of chaos and change, loss and uncertainties when all we can do is experience the pain and suffering that's in the world and within ourselves?
Shifting our focus can seem impossible when we feel so much compassion in our hearts for others and an increased level of anxiety in our current circumstances. Listen to this enlightening interview where Kimberly Periera shares her wisdom and provides empowering steps to liberate us from the grip of fear and into states of peace and self-empowerment.
For more information, visit
At times of chaos and change, it is beneficial to hit the "pause button" momentarily in order to reflect and process the various circumstances triggered around stress, anxiety and uncertainty. It is important to honoured those basic needs.
When we delve into our inner-being, we trigger cellular memories of forgotten strength, resilience and wisdom that resides within each of us in connection with a higher-power! None of us are strangers to trauma, loss and conflict in our lives and it's the stuff we're made of, as creators of infinite Universe, that we want to call forth and project into our lives and the people around us.
Kirsten Hodgins
7 West Street, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, L6L 3B3
I am passionate to help others to give themselves permission to validate and honour their sacred-self. To articulate their boundaries, needs and values with love. Shift their perceptions to experience their wholeness and know they are not broken or need to be fixed!
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