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Kirsten is a licensed Hypnosis Practitioner with the American Hypnotherapy Association.
Our hidden core beliefs are ingrained in our subconscious minds and often limit our ability to live life with ease, peace and joy. Often we suffer sleepless nights, self-sabotaging inner-dialogue, feel confused and overwhelmed managing our energy and time in our everyday life.
1. Self-sabotage to self-confident
2. No more sleepless nights
3. Scattered to focused
4. Playing small to empowered
2. Self-love and self-worthiness
3. Overcoming procrastination
5. Release fears, doubts and insecurities
6. Let go of attachments, habits
7. Overcome fears and live with peace, ease and joy
8. Creating empowering habits
9. Quit Smoking
10. Lose Weight
Wrestling to fall asleep each night only to continually stir awake in the middle of the night and early hours, Marie suffered insomnia.
During the consultation, it was apparent that Marie was operating from a limited belief; "lack & scarcity" mindset around paying her bills and having enough food to eat. We discovered further that her spending habits were causing her to get into more debt and perpetuated her fear belief in lack & scarcity.
The truth was revealed that money wasn't the issue. The true hidden behavior pattern was that every time she saw a sale on food and household items, she felt the need to stock-up which brought about a temporary an false sense of feeling secure - until she looked at her bank balance. She was overspending, hording food and household items but still experience a sense of fear and lack. It was the increased debt that perpetuated this behavior pattern.
After one hypnosis sessions, Marie experience immediate shifts in her thinking and emotional responses while shopping and has been able to experience an increase sense of abundance in her life. Marie now associates saving money as a way to experience abundance. She is now operating from a place of self-poweron a budget comfortably within her means. She no longer feels the strong impulse to buy everything on sale and all at once.
This has led Marie to feel safe and secure financially in her life. She is feeling liberated from the stress of worrying all the time. She is now sleeping through the night and waking up feeling more vibrant and peaceful.
Daily anxiety stress and heaviness around seeking a job led this client to reach out to Kirsten.
Anna was struggling with procrastination and unable to organize her priorities. She felt overwhelmed and stuck. She went from feeling confused and frustrated to grounded, clear and focused. During the consultation, and even days after her session, she began to uncover her hidden fears and doubts and began to take action towards the things that she previously believed that she could never find time and energy to enjoy! She is now planning her future from a place of empowerment and enthusiasm instead of powerless and incapable. Way to go, Anna!
Client was afraid to be seen on social media to promote her spiritual practice.
Kirsten Hodgins
7 West Street, Oakville, Ontario, Canada, L6L 3B3
I am passionate to help others to give themselves permission to validate and honour their sacred-self. To articulate their boundaries, needs and values with love. Shift their perceptions to experience their wholeness and know they are not broken or need to be fixed!
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